PICTURE IT WELL: The whole picture
/Me crossing a suspended bridge in the grove of patriarchs, Mount Rainier National Park
I think many of us are in a period of transition right now. How can we not be with recent pandemic and all of the change it has generated. There is no doubt that I am. So much uncertainty in my life on many levels. How can I get to the other side? I have a good solid foundation that supports me. Loving relationships. Well-established rituals and routines. A fulfilling daily spiritual practice. This website that allows me creative expression and gives me purpose. Our travels offer exploration and discovery. But I still feel that something is missing. This feeling often comes at night just before sleep. Now I’m holding space for it instead of shoving it under the bed. I’m asking source (god, the universe, spirit, nature, or whatever you connect with as a higher power), what’s missing? Instead of an answer, I get another question. Isn’t that the point of every life? To know your true self, so that you realize nothing is missing. So that you experience wholeness.
I think…that’s a relief. So nothing is missing. I just have to know my whole, true self. But, how do I do that?
I haven’t got the answer to that question yet. Catch phrases such as be authentic, experience joy, and set loving boundaries come to mind. But I know intuitively the answer is much, much more. A little aha here...could it be that this transition is getting me closer to knowing my true self? Geez, another question.
Wishing everyone health, happiness and bundles of joy as we continue our journeys. And remember, don’t underestimate the power of spending time in nature. It’s one of the best ways to get those bigger than life questions answered!
PICTURE IT WELL photos symbolize some aspect of well-being. The brief text is meant to inspire you and demonstrate the uplifting power of nature.
PICTURE IT WELL photos from givenphoto.com symbolize some aspect of well-being. The brief text is meant to inspire you and demonstrate the uplifting power of nature.