Celebrate Earth Day with love - April 22
/Weeping Cherry. © GIVEN PHOTOGRAPHY 2022
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike.” -John Muir
We were gathered in the school parking lot, astonished and laughing as we watched a group of boys haul in an old toilet. They ceremoniously added it to a big pile of garbage. It was 1970 and the first-ever Earth Day—the beginning of the modern day environmental movement. My high school was fully on-board. We spent the day collecting litter from the surrounding neighborhood. That toilet became symbolic for all of us. Up until that day, we never thought much about the earth, let alone where garbage goes. Out of sight, out mind. Walking around for hours, picking up garbage, we quickly learned that garbage never really goes away. It just gets moved from one place to another.
Today, more than ever, ongoing sustainability efforts are critical to keep our earth healthy. We can help every day in many simple ways. Recycle, turn off the lights, carpool, don’t let your sink water run continuously, wash your car in a carwash, use your own bags at the grocery store, donate instead of tossing, and don’t idle your car unnecessarily, to name a few. For more ideas read, 50 Ways to Help the Planet.
Earth day is not just about raising awareness on how to help. It’s a day of celebration and appreciation. A day to be outside enjoying the earth’s natural beauty. Love it up. Connect with the uplifting energy. Because what it comes down to is this. If we love our earth, we’ll take care of it.
So celebrate Earth Day this Friday, April 22 in a fun way. Go for a walk. Plant a tree. Watch the birds. Go on a picnic. Make a nature collage. Take a hike. Shoot some photographs. Wander through a local park. Then make a commitment to do what you can to help.
And remember, every day is Earth Day.