Nine things the longest living people on earth have in common

Recently I’ve been reading about Blue Zones—a fascinating research-based movement focused on healthy longevity. Its research is based on five regions around our planet where the healthiest people live—many of them centenarians.

The people in these five regions have nine things in common (see list below) that contribute to their long lives. One of them is finding ways to down-shift and shed stress.

If you’ve been following my blog, you know that spending time in nature is one of the quickest ways to shed stress. All you need is 10 minutes outside to start feeling relaxed. A quick walk or a few minutes on a park bench will do the trick.

You can do this year-round. If it’s cold or rainy you can always stand on your back patio or front porch with a warm beverage to soak up the natural energy. Just dress for the weather and enjoy beauty of the season.

If you absolutely can’t get outside, find a scenic window or photograph to view. Research shows that this also works to calm worrisome thoughts.

Here are three links to more stress busting nature activities…

And here are the other eight commonalities of the longest lived people…

  • move naturally in their daily lives

  • eat a plant-slant diet

  • go to happy hour and drink wine at 5

  • wake up in the morning with purpose

  • eat to 80 percent full

  • belong to faith-based communities

  • put family first

  • have close friends with similar values

Go to to find out where these people live and the amazing research. .

How do you de-stress or downshift when things are getting a little crazy? We’d love to know, so share with us